Inviting Guests Is Good For Your Health

Doordash and Uber Eats might be making our lives easier, but now I know that they also contribute to a health problem.

Here’s how the title of one study reads: “Eating alone may increase your risk for heart disease”. It mentions the fact that while it is well known that our diet and health are connected, not enough of us are aware that there is also a link between our heating habits (alone or the company of others) and our health. Having our food delivered, provides one more way out of eating amongst others.

What struck me about this article is that it was a reminder (once again) of how the age-old mitzvahs that the Torah prescribed are at at their core, life enhancing, life enriching, and of course for our very own good.

Just the other week we read in the Torah portion about Abraham and Sara’s hospitality. Inviting guests into our home is one of the Jewish precepts that we learn from the generous ways of Abraham and Sara. Inviting guests of course, is the antidote to eating alone and now we know that eating in the company of others is good for your health!

“G-d gazed in to the Torah and created the world”, says the Midrash, meaning that just as a contractor consults with the blueprints on every step of his project, so too G-d used the Torah as his blueprint when creating this world.

If it says it in the Torah, it’s because that is the best possible way for the human and the world to function at its maximum potential and highest capacity.

And now we have an study on heart disease to once again prove that point.

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom.

