Like The Rebbe, Like Aharon


Next Tuesday ( 3 Tammuz/ July 9) marks the Rebbe’s 30th yahrtzeit.

Thirty years ago,the pundits speculated that the Chabad movement would begin to decline.

But instead, over the last 30 years, more than 2,000 couples (or families) moved out as emissaries of the Rebbe. Tzivie and I are included in that number.

How can one explain that absent of a living leader, a movement continues to grow with such dynamic force?

Rabbi Lord Jonathon Saks, of blessed memory, former Chief Rabbi of England, noted that while most leaders create followers, the Rebbe created leaders.

The Rebbe didn’t lead only by way of his greatness. He led by seeing and empowering the greatness in others.

And those who were empowered by him, went out to seek Jews around the world, to remind them of their greatness- by way of igniting their G-dly soul and empowering them in their relationship with G-d and their fellow Jew.

Last week, we read about Aharon the High Priest who was tasked with kindling the lights in the Menorah.

The Rebbe spoke about this eternal message and how each one of us can be like Aharon.

The lights are the soul’s of our fellow brothers, sisters, child or friend.

Sometimes though, that light is shrouded and covered up.

Their behaviors, attitudes, impulses and reactions are hardly an expression of the beautiful and luminescent light that is their soul. Sometimes the behaviors are even quite the opposite.

Yet, if we borrow a page from Aharon’s method- he was known for his loving kindness and compassion-

you and I can see past the dysfunctional and perhaps destructive behaviors- and identify each person by the light of their G-dly soul.

Practice Aharon’s method of compassion with your own internal voices. Rather than motivating yourself through harsh criticism or shame, meet your struggles with compassion. Motivate yourself through a voice of empowerment.

The more you practice on you, the more instinctive it will become in the way you speak with others.

Every parenting book and every leadership manual should borrow a page from the Rebbe’s method.

Thirty years later, you and I are tasked with carrying out his legacy.

Empowering one G-dly soul and then another, through Kindness and Compassion.

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom.

