The Best Security System

Rabbi Shmulik & Tzivie Greenberg
2 min readMay 17, 2024


A few days ago, on Israel’s Memorial Day, Prime Minister Netanyahu shared a picture of himself wearing tefillin, along with the following post:

“And all the peoples of the earth will see that the name of the L-rd is called upon you, and they will fear you.”


Ruchama, the mother of Moshiko Dweino, may his memory be blessed, who fell during Operation Protective Edge, brought me his tefillin.

The tefillin, which were with him throughout the battles, are the only item that survived the inferno in which Moshiko fell.

The smell of gunpowder still lingers on the tefillin cover.

I promised Ruchama that I would lay the tefillin in memory of Moshiko and all our fallen soldiers.

This is what I do today with reverent awe.

May the memory of our fallen be blessed and forever preserved in our hearts..

No doubt it was seen by tens of millions around the globe.

The leader of the most watched country in the world, was witnessed “wearing the name of G-d upon Him”.

The Rebbe explained that when the nations of the world see the Jew as connected with the Divine, their opposition melts away like wax to a flame. It’s the natural cause and effect.

Before Israel’s six day war (in 1967) the Rebbe campaigned for a Jewish man around the world to put on Tefillin for the protection of those living in Israel. And indeed within 6 days, 3 neighboring Arab nations retreated in the face of G-d’s intervention and Israel’s miraculous victory.

The “tefillin hack”, applies in every single way we engage with the world.

When we incorporate G-d’s morals, values and ethics in every single thing we do, our neighbor, friends and co-workers “see the name of G-d upon us”. When they witness that to be a Jew means to be an honest businessperson, a generous participant, an active contributor, a thoughtful neighbor, a positive influence, then any wariness or opposition they feel towards your “Jewishness” will melt away like wax to a candle.

Since October 7th, we have received handwritten letters, emails, knocks on our door, flowers delivered with messages of support, comfort and admiration to the Jewish community.

As the late Rabbi Lord Jonathan Saks proclaimed after years of experience in Britain leadership, “Non-Jews respect Jews who respect themselves.”

A Jew who respects his Jewishness, wears the name of G-d upon him and serves as a lighthouse in a chaotic world.

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom.

