Unity Brings Blessings

Rabbi Shmulik & Tzivie Greenberg
2 min readMay 25, 2024


The Talmud shares a story of a time when the land of Israel was eagerly awaiting the seasonal rainfall.

A group of Jews had set out to the great Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai (whose yahrtzeit we commemorate this Sunday at the yearly Lag Ba’omer Festival) to ask him for a prayer and a blessing for rain.

He greeted them by sharing a verse from Psalms, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers too, to dwell together in unity.”

Rabbi Shimon was reminding the Jewish people that when G-d sees us getting along, it is not only “good and pleasant” to Him, it causes G-d “too” to join us and dwell with us.

The word, “too” in the verse, does indeed seem superfluous, until we understand it in this context. When two people who have so many differences, still gather together in unity, the goodness and pleasantness invites G-d into the gathering.

Rabbi Shimon was reminding them that Jewish unity is the best recipe to bring about the blessings of rain.

Our people have come together in the recent months. The unfortunate events from October 7th and onward have atleast strengthened our Jewish brotherly bond, and indeed, we have felt G-d among us. How else would one describe the events of earlier this week, when President Raisi of Iran, the Haman of our times, died in a sudden accident?

We don’t need tragic moments to make a community stronger…let’s gather in celebration on Sunday to honor Rabbi Shimon and his message of brotherly love.

No doubt G-d’s blessings will follow.

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom.

Photo by Vivek Kumar on Unsplash

